Thursday, 8 June 2017

Election Fever

Election fever has reached Roydon Primary School this week. Owls and Otters formed their own political parties and to gave them names:
The Ideal Party
The Reform Party
The Tomorrow Party
The Motion Party
The Progress Party
The Transform Party
The Vision Party
The Victory Party

Over the last three weeks they had to decide on their policies, write manifestos, design posters, produce and film a party political broadcast and, of course, write their key speech for the hustings.

The party political broadcasts were put on Facebook for the outside world to view, whilst
lots of canvassing took place in the playground and class to class.

Yesterday the whole school went into assembly to listen to the leaders tell us what their party would do if elected.  There were some amazing speeches, which showed that a lot of thought had gone into selecting the policies.

Today we set up a polling station with voting booths so that everyone could  complete  their ballot paper in secret.

This afternoon we went into the hall to hear the results.
Mrs Chamberlain and Miss Leftley had  counted all the votes.  As the returning officer Mrs Chamberlain announced the results. It was very tense...

It was very close but eventually we heard that Sophie Collet and her members of The Tomorrow Party had won the Roydon election.

Sophie made an acceptance speech and thanked all her supporters.

Everyone enjoyed listening to the speeches and being involved with the election. Who know perhaps one day one of our children may be a politician!

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